Friday, November 8, 2013

Ready to Run

So yesterday was expo day.  We began the day with a walk over to the Olympic Stadium (where the race is finished) and ran above the stadium on a track.  We wanted to check our legs and get them all set for Sunday.  We both have been having some issues with knees and hips but today things felt great and we'll cross our fingers for Sunday.

After our morning workout we finally got our Gyro Κοτόπουλοs.  They were even better than I remember.

Then our adventure to the expo.  Normally the expo is held in a building right in Syntagma but this year it was being held at one of the new buildings from the 2004 Olympics due to a scheduling conflict.  This was in new territory but we got there.  I was hoping we would see someone with something race related when we got off the metro to ask how to get there, which we did.  He seemed concerned that we were running such a "hilly" race.  He obviously is projecting some of his own fears.  We got this.  We got to the expo which was in a building off of the coast - so pretty.  It was like any race expo but obviously better since it was in Greece.  We got some sweet race swag - bag, nice shirts, towel, pen, posters, transportation passes - and got to watch a video of the course with some details.

After the expo we ventured back to the Athens Centre for some advice on our travels and some coffee on the rooftop for old times sake.

Then it was dinner at another local restaurant.  It was wonderful.

Now we are off to the island of Hydra for the day to walk around, hike, and relax.  It is a small island we'll get to by ferry from the port city of Piraeus.  It's going to be 70 degrees and sunny so we must go to a Greek island :-)


  1. Hi Jacki! Love the pics, I have been following you with envy and you two look great. Stay away from those Gyros! you are running for God's sake :-) I miss you at work. Get plenty of rest tonight.

    1. Thanks Cyndi!!! We're just carbo-loading :-) I don't know how much sleep we'll get tonight :-(

  2. By now I suppose your feet and legs are moving fast :-) Saying good luck Jacki and Tyler at this point may be hind sight but I am thinking about you today...waiting to see how you guys did.

  3. Jacki and Tyler, Jane and I were thinking about you lots today and hope that all went well with the race! We miss you but we're really happy you're having such a great time. The pictures are fabulous!!!
    Lots of love, Linda and Joe (and Jane)

    1. Thanks for reading up! We are having a great time :-) I'll be home before you know it!
